List of Fabric GameProviders
Fabric Loader is an amazing tool. Not only is it the best tool for Minecraft modding, but it can even be taken further!
Here’s a list of external GameProviders that I’ve compiled on my own:
MinicraftGameProvider is part of a project called “MiniFabric”, led and maintained by PseudoDistant.
MinicraftGameProvider on GitHub
WildermythGameProvider is part of a project called “WilderForge”, led and maintained by Gamebuster19901.
WildermythGameProvider on GitHub
mindustry-fabric-loader is a GameProvider for Mindustry, created and maintained by Qendolin.
mindustry-fabric-loader on GitHub
Minecraft4K CrunchyCat mod
Minecraft4KGameProvider was made by PseudoDistant, mostly as a challenge to make a GameProvider also in under 4 KiB.
Minecraft4KGameProvider on GitHub
Infinite Tux
ExampleGameProvider is a template GameProvider, using Infinite Tux as an example game, in the hopes that others would learn from it, and make their own providers.
ExampleGameProvider on GitHub
What is a GameProvider?
Fabric Loader isn’t just a Minecraft modding toolchain, Fabric Loader can actually run pretty much any Java-based game if you tell it how to. A GameProvider is what we use to do just that. Fabric Loader has a MinecraftGameProvider built-in, but that doesn’t mean that’s all it can do. Just by making a new GameProvider for another Java-based game, you can enable the creation and use of Fabric mods for that game, targetting that game. I really hope to see this facet of Fabric Loader’s potential be explored more, and I will do what I can to encourage more GameProvider development.